Saturday, February 15, 2014

Weapons of Mass Destruction: Carbs On My Fork - Part I

The Fork…...

Diabetes is escalating at an alarming rate worldwide. The devastating affects of chronically elevated blood sugar is far reaching and unfathomable. Could it be true that the most insidious world wide weapon of mass distraction is a "fork". Well, lets take a look at why this might be true. Lets start with the deleterious of carbohydrate overload on our body's.

 “Diabetes” (Die of Sugar) is the perfect genre for another best selling Steven King mystery. 

Elevated blood sugar will be another blog topic for another day. Today’s topic should always be considered when discussing blood sugar. The topic is Insulin.

Insulin is a natural peptide hormone made by the pancreas that controls the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Insulin is required for cells to utilize glucose for energy.  Normally, insulin is provided within the body in a consistent amount in order to remove excess glucose from the blood. This prevents sugar from building up in the blood to become toxic. The natural production of insulin has been disrupted in disorders such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes and other carbohydrate metabolic processes. Insulin is produced in the pancreas. Less than 1% of the pancreas is dedicated to producing insulin. When the body’s demands for insulin increases, the sensitivity of the insulin receptors decreases (weakens) which causes the pancreas to release more insulin to accomplish the same job. This grows into a vicious metabolic cycle until the symptoms of hypoglycemia begin to occur due to the dysregulation of glucose metabolism.

If Insulin Levels Remain Elevated

If the body cannot produce enough insulin or is unable touse insulin properly, hyperglycemia occurs. Meaning, there will be elevated levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. This is a metabolic challenge that occurs prior to the actual diagnosis of “diabetes” (Greek Translation: Die of Sugar). Some call this metabolic warning sign “prediabetes”. Prediabetes is a toxic biochemical set up for heart disease, kidney failure and related problems. 

What Causes Elevated Insulin Levels    


  • Chronic Stress
  • Environmental Toxins
  • Diet High In Processed Food
  • Nutritional Deficiency’s
  • Weight Gain
  •  Food Sensitivities
  • Caffeine
  • Low fat diets
  • Lack of Restorative Sleep
  • Alcohol
  •  Tobacco
  • Lack of Exercise

There is another philosophy. ”If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, its probably a duck”. It is the opinion of this author that prediabetes gives the impression that things are still okay. The reality is that the excessive glucose in the blood stream becomes a free radical, which damages arterial walls, and forms wicked cross-links with proteins called “advanced glycosylation end products (AGE’s). These AGE’s actually accelerate the aging process – in other words they cause us to grow old at a faster rate than we would normally age without rouge sugar cruising thru our circulatory system. Remember blood goes everywhere, therefore so does the sugar. So the term prediabetes, translates to “Just before you die from sugar”.  This is when action needs to be taken to support the metabolic process and protect the pancreas as well as other end organ damage.

What Can You Do


What is Insulin

Insulin Basics

Influence of environment on insulin sensitivity.

Environmental Toxins: A Potential Risk Factor For Diabetes Among Canadian Aboriginals

Final Report: TCDD-Induced Insulin Resistance (EPA)

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